Sunday, April 24, 2011

FRM-40735:ON-ERROR trigger raised unhandled exception ORA-06508

after converting older version of Oracle forms to forms 10g using Forms Migration Assistant, you are not able to open the application or login to the application via web. when accessed from developer suite 10g it will run without any problems. one of the problem could be the path of the PL/SQL library attached to it.

in older version of forms the library path is mapped to the client pc and the forms application refer to the mapped drive letter for eg: z:\plls

in web there is no absolute path. it is relative that means there is no need to specify the path. it will automatically refer the path.

now for your converted/migrated forms to work, open the form in forms developer 10g, you might get a message that cannot attach PL/SQL library and when the form is open you lose the library attachment.sometimes you won't get the message but still you won't be able to access the application/module from web.

remember the library name that is attached with form click on Attached Libraries and in the plus sign, locate the pll and add if prompted to remove the path, click on yes. now if you got the property pallette of attached library you can see that path is removed. save the form, compile and access from web . there you are !

you need to repeat this for each form.

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